Thursday, May 3, 2007

Fond Memories of Youth

Time is short as our cross country trip is rapidly approaching. So much to do, so little time. If purchasing an RV wasn't enough, I also bought an old jeep...a 1993 wrangler I know, to tow behind the turd. I got a fixer upper, one with character and muscle (can you say cheap?). So along with planning for our expedition, purchasing items essential for our endeavour, I am also trying like hell to make sure this new money pit will be up to the task at hand. It needed a new this...and a new that...I have to replace this...and I have to replace that, when it is all said and done I should have bought new! I am going to file this in the "it must have sounded good at the time" file.
Let me give you a little bit of advise; don't let a romantic notion or a faulty memory fool you. By purchasing this Jeep I convinced myself that I was going to return back to the days of my youth, when as a boy I would work with my dad on his old truck. Now that I have this wonderful old clunker, I realize how little I actually remember about working on old cars and I am not even sure my dad had a truck. Hindsight being what it is, apparently the only meaningful thing that I have ever built with my hands were structures made entirely from beer cans, candy wrappers and playing cards. So much for fond memories.

1 comment:

Cain said...

That is some pretty funny stuff...good luck