Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Have you ever found yourself watching people? You know, casually observing the habits and actions of others in public? I personally find it very enjoyable, kind of comical really. Like the guy who installs an above ground swimming pool in his back yard, only to try and convince himself that it looks as good as the real thing. People do some really funny stuff, if you just take the time to watch. So I can only imagine those who have observed me over the past 3 months or so. As a 40-something year old male with a wife and a couple of kids, I am firmly rooted in the throws of middle age. The problem is that while others in my position are blowing cash on Little Red Corvettes or Harley Davidson motorcycles, futilely trying to come to grips with their mid-life crisis, I have gone out and purchased the penultimate in retirement fun…the infamous recreational vehicle or RV. So this summer instead of cruising the back roads with the top down or feeling the warm wind in my face as I balance on a new chopper, I will be donning a captains cap like Robert Deniro in Meet the Fockers, avoiding messy fecal fountains like Robin Williams in RV, while traveling the countryside trying to convince myself that it looks as good as the real thing. My wife god bless her, is being a good sport about it all. I know that she is eagerly anticipating this “trip of a lifetime” enthusiastically pondering a future on the open road in a 36 foot rolling tube. You never know how difficult life can be until you try to sell your spouse on the merits of an Oklahoma KOA. This blog is going to be our record of this monumental family vacation. It will be a living document, recording our trials and tribulations…our victories big and small. I know that those who read this blog will think that I stole the title “The Big Rolling Turd” from the previously mentioned movie RV. Actually, it is in honor of my youngest son who you would have to know to understand.

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