Thursday, May 31, 2007

Do I Have A Sign On My Back?

I never knew what a cultural icon the movie RV has become, nor did I realize the impact that this one movie has had on people’s psyche. Every time I tell someone that we purchased an RV they ask if I had seen the movie first, as if it were a pre-requisite for RV ownership. The second thing that is striking to me is that everyone that I know is completely surprised that we have done this. No one who knows us can picture me behind the wheel of a 36 foot behemoth, nor can they see me comfortably rubbing elbows with the RV crowd in some out of the way Midwestern campground. I am now convinced that most of our friends fully expect that we will encounter a very similar set of problems as those experienced by actor Robin Williams in the movie and so they are anxiously yearning to keep up with the intimate details our cross country excursion. Initially I was pretty confident about this little endeavor. However I must admit that as our departure time nears; I am beginning to feel like the kid who has been walking around school all day with an “I’m Stupid” sign taped to his back. Is it possible that all of these people know something that I don’t? Now I admit that I am no Indiana Jones but I don’t think that I am the Billy Crystal character in City Slickers either…I mean at least I’m taller than Billy Crystal.

Today however, I have decided that enough is enough. From this day forward I am going to ignore the comical smirks and high fives of those who think that this will be a similarly humorous and ill fated journey and I am going to forget those comments which link our maiden voyage to that of the original Big Rolling Turd in the RV movie. As if by magic, I have a new found resolve and am certain that this will be a tremendously successful trip. When you look at the facts, it is obvious that we are well informed, well prepared, and that this trip be gloriously successful? I have read all the books (at least partially), I am fairly smart (don’t ask my wife), reasonably athletic (not that fat) and most importantly, I am in possession of a tremendous amount of outdoor survival experience, with skills that have been finely honed through numerous car camping excursions with my son’s Cub Scout den. Skeptics beware; the journey begins in less than three weeks.

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