Sunday, June 3, 2007

Stupid is as Stupid Does

You know what they say about clichés…that they wouldn’t be cliché if they weren’t true? I buy it. Here a few of my favorites clichés; all’s well that ends well (a timeless classic); life is like a box of chocolates (I love my movies); and from my friend Mary, the journey will be more memorable than the destination. That last one is prophetic. If you have read our accounts to date, you quickly realize that we are already in over our heads. We don’t leave for two weeks or so and I feel as if I have just given birth to an accountant…or better yet twin accountants. The good news is that yesterday we were able to bring the babies home as I successfully completed my first attempt at driving the Turd with Jeep in tow. I wonder if I actually thought at one point that driving a 36-foot wind sail on wheels, across country and over crowded interstates would be relaxing. If I did then clearly I need to have my head examined. Add to it a 4,000 pound jeep and you’ve got the makings of serenity on wheels.

I picked up the new Jeep yesterday morning and the RV in the afternoon. As a precaution I called ahead to both dealerships, alerting the service consultants that we would be picking up our vehicles that day. The purchase of the new Jeep was flawless and after a quick bite and a bit of shopping I headed to the RV dealership. Upon arrival, I immediately proceeded to the service department. Maybe it was just my imagination but I must have made quite an impression the last time I was there. My regular service rep was off for the weekend, he was obviously still recovering from ass transplant surgery I humorously thought to myself. The new guy, bless his heart, looked like a sacrificial lamb as he pulled my file and realized that he was now face to face with the crazy guy they had all heard about. That may be an over dramatization, but the thought of it made me feel better. Anyway, whatever trepidation the guy was feeling was immediately increased when he realized that they could not find my keys and thus could not locate the Turd. I know those reading this are probably calling BS about now, but I swear this is the truth. After 10 minutes of watching the best damn impression of the Keystone Cops I had ever seen, I casually mentioned the possibility to one of the ladies that perhaps they had already moved the Turd to delivery, given I had called them earlier in the morning to alert them that we would be picking up the vehicle that afternoon. You could see a glimmer of hope wisp briefly across the man’s face as he headed out the door to explore this promising new lead. It was as I suspected, the missing RV was in fact in the delivery area and the service department…well they’re simply a bunch of incompetent baboons.

I told the service rep that he needed to walk me through the whole Jeep-RV hook up procedure and instruct me as to how the breaking system is assembled and operated. He said he would have to bring out one of the techs to demonstrate. So low and behold who comes meandering up to my Jeep but good old Cooter from the previous post. Now to his credit, old Cooter gave it his best shot, admirably attempting to do something he had obviously only seen it the movies. Now I don’t generally cast disparaging remarks about my fellow human beings, however for Cooter I will make an exception. As a refresher, Cooter was the guy who came up to me when my old jeep did not start, would not run and was missing all of the door linkage after sitting on their lot for over a week. It was good old Cooter who unsolicited said “I didn’t do nothing to your Jeep”. This has always struck me as odd. He was defending himself before he could have realistically known there was even a problem. Now here he was hooking up my tow system and obviously not remembering who I am. As he struggled, he could not understand why my new jeep was not responding like it should. You see, Cooter assured me that everything was hooked up right because he owns a ‘93 wrangler, one by his own admission he had just upgraded. It was at that moment I suggested to old Cooter that the reason for the system not working probably had less to do with the installation than it did with the fact that he did not have the keys in the ignition.

Stupid is as stupid does…oops, another cliché

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